314 – Help Us Transform 10,000 Churches!

If you’ve been a regular listener to my podcast, you may have noticed things shifting. And if you saw my video on social media last week, then you heard all about our exciting news. 

If you missed it, you could catch all the details here on Facebook or YouTube. 

The short story is, we’ve got lots of new platforms for serving you

  • New brand
  • New website
  • New Facebook page
  • New name for our Facebook group (Healthy Pastors)
  • New team

Most importantly, the thing I am most excited about — we have a brand new mission, and I am boldly proclaiming it for all the world to hear. 

We are on a mission to transform 10,000 churches in North America by helping pastors to 

. . .  Dream BIG

. . .  Overcome limiting beliefs

. . .  and BOLDLY step into a future of Impact and Abundance!

Let me tell you this. For a long time, now, I have come to understand very clearly this statement I’m about to say. And I’m not apologizing for it. I’m not embarrassed to say it. I will boldly go on record. 

I believe the model we call church is broken, and it’s time we fix it!

I’ve hesitated to say this in the past, but here’s the evidence. We have thousands of pastors leaving the ministry every single month. 

  • Feeling like failures
  • Feeling defeated
  • Feeling discouraged
  • Feeling disillusioned 
  • And, honestly, feeling like they have failed. 

What I’ve come to realize is that it’s not these pastors that is the problem. It is the model they are operating in.  

To be super clear, I’m not saying that the Big ‘C’ Church of Jesus is broken. And I’m certainly not saying that the message that we carry is flawed. The church of Jesus Christ is in very capable hands because it belongs to Him. And the best days of the church are still in front of us. 

But if we don’t redefine what it means to be the church and redefine our approach to ministry, if we don’t have healthy pastors, we aren’t going to have healthy churches. We’ll continue to see more and more pastors fall out of ministry feeling like failures.  

The way we transform 10,000 churches is by transforming the leader. I want to help you be the healthiest version of yourself that you can be — in EVERY area of life (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, and financially). 

You see, I still believe God wants to do BIG things in small places. I believe God wants to make a significant impact in your community and far beyond through your life and leadership. And I believe He wants you to live a life of abundance both in ministry and in your personal life, too. 

And I’m ready to help you make that happen. But I can’t do this alone. I’m not looking for an offering or anything of that nature. I simply want to start the conversation to help you begin to move forward, dream again, and have that life of impact that you so earnestly desire.  

Would you please reply to this email and tell me your response to this new mission? 

Whether you are thinking, “Jon, that is awesome! I want to be a part of that!” or you’re thinking, “Jon, I hear what you’re saying, but what about…. (fill in the blank).” — even if you disagree with me and think there is nothing wrong with how we do church right now, I want to hear from you.

Thank you so much for being a part of this community. I can’t wait to see what develops as we walk together, side-by-side, along this journey. 

Jon Sanders

Jon Sanders seeks to encourage pastors with the message that God delights in doing BIG things in small places. For many years, Jon served as the Lead Pastor of The RESCUE Church, a South Dakota based multi-site church with a huge vision to reach rural communities with the gospel. As a leading voice in the rural church arena, Jon spends his days coaching leaders and hosting both the Small Town Big Church Podcast and Courageous Living Podcast. In addition to his passion for the rural church, Jon also works full-time as a professional firefighter/EMT. He is married to his wife Jessica, and they have three children: Justin, Jenni, and James.